Post status or comment in Blue Text on Facebook - How to?

    Now post status or comment on facebook in blue colour. So whats so cool about this blue text trick? whats so special about it? so the simple answer that i found to this question is that Most of the facebook users get excited when they see something new and this is something different as the default colour of the text on facebook is Black....and yes according to my research these blue texts get more likes and comments then that ordinary black satuses . And i think you too must have observed that some normal Blue statuses like Good Morning and they get hundreds of comments saying how you did this ,its so cool ,awesome and all that and makes you feel special...So i will strongly recommend you to try this trick and be an point of attraction between your friends.....and yeah the special thing about this trick is that it is as easy as lets take a look.....!!!


Steps to write blue text on facebook:-

    1). Login To Facebook if you haven't already logged in.
    2). Now click on Update Status.
    3). Now here comes the main thing..... paste the below code in your status update text space
    @@[0:[181685035214061:1: WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE]]
    4). Now Replace YOUR TEXT with the your status for Example:-
    @@[0:[181685035214061:1: Hello Friends How r u??? isn'this blue text cool!! ]]
    5). Then Click On the post button, here's a preview of the text you must have entered in the status update text box,
    And your status will look like this,
    you can also try some ASCII ART's like this,
    Just copy the Code Below,
    ╔══╗╔╗──╔╗─╔╦═══╦════╦═══╦═╗╔═╦════╗ ║╔╗║║║──║║─║║╔══╣╔╗╔╗║╔══╩╗╚╝╔╣╔╗╔╗║ ║╚╝╚╣║──║║─║║╚══╬╝║║╚╣╚══╗╚╗╔╝╚╝║║╚╝ ║╔═╗║║─╔╣║─║║╔══╝─║║─║╔══╝╔╝╚╗──║║ ║╚═╝║╚═╝║╚═╝║╚══╗─║║─║╚══╦╝╔╗╚╗─║║ ╚═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╝─╚╝─╚═══╩═╝╚═╝─╚╝]]
    And it will look like below,

For those who are still having problem here's the whole trick in short,

    Type or copy & paste this code: @@[0:[ 181685035214061:0: then type your post or comment,
    then type 2 ending brackets at the end and then type @[181685035214061:]
    and it will look like this,
    @@[0:[ 181685035214061:1: WRITE YOUR TEXT HERE ]] @[181685035214061:]
    Share this amazing blue text Trick with your friends......if you are still having any problem just comment below and i have a lott of alternatives and suggestions for you.....please follow this blog to stay updated with the latest technology, you can…


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